Sunday, January 4, 2015

No More Resolutions! One Word Instead.

from One Word that will change your life by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page.

I must be in the 13% of people who don't make resolutions. It has always felt like something I should do... because I'm not doing good enough yet. (The underlying feeling I get around this whole New Years practice.) And I don't like to do things just because the rest of the world says I should.

I DO spend a lot of time thinking about ways to stay committed to the ways in which I want to show up more as the best version of myself, for the best version of my life, however.

I DO believe that the practice of reflecting on the past year and setting an intention about who you want to be and what you want to experience in 2015 is a powerful way to live a conscious, powerful and self-fulfilling life.

The hardest part, as with most things we say we want (myself included), is commitment. What makes our desires and intentions STICK?

The book One Word says that choosing one word, imbued with meaning and a clear picture as to WHY you want it, is enough to do the trick. Not a phrase, not a slogan, One Word. Keep it simple. Simplicity is powerful.

And knowing the WHY behind what you desire is the key. It's one of the first things I do with my clients - get clear and connect with their why.

I am a dabbler, a taste-tester. I love to try new things. To me, it's the only way to know what really works for me, to get to that place of feeling my best and loving my life. So I've chosen a word.

My word for 2015 is Truth.

I took some time choosing my word, unplugging, listening inward and outward for what I need, what I want to expand into, how I want to feel... brainstorming, doing nothing, taking a bath, writing, taking a walk. (The book gives more guidance if you'd like for choosing your word.)

Essentially, go with your intuition. Go with what has meaning for you. Trust yourself. (And if it makes you feel better, adopt my rule, "I can change my mind at any time.") Spend some time with you word.

WHY did I choose truth? My intention for this year is to be more me, which is going to require being true to myself, honest with myself, present to what is, curious to what gets in my way, accepting of what is. To me, being clearly in touch with "what is" is the best place to make choices from. It is a place of grounding and center for me. It is real. I'm here to live a conscious, intentional and empowered life. That means being in touch with the truth - personal and universal.

You game? What's your word? (Share below!)

As for the sticking to the word, One Word suggests telling as many people as you can, your "Stretch Team" who will hold you accountable. Always a great idea. I have an accountability buddy I talk with every week!

Essential oils are another (surprise!) of my favorite ways to remind myself of my intentions. I'm hosting a New Year Intentions Essential Oil Blending Playshop and I'm going to be creating my blend to help anchor me into this intention, this value, this concept of "truth" for 2015.

Will you join us? What supports will you create to help hold your commitment to your word - and your self?