Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I was going to meditate BUT... (The Excuses List)

 I was going to start a regular meditation practice because I know it helps me feel more clear, present, calm and grounded BUT...

I was going to meditate but I'm expecting a package. I'm behind on my email. My mom might call me back. I have too much work to do. I've got a zillion important things on my list. I have to make money.

I was going to meditate but I'm too stressed out, it can't possibly fix me right now.

I was going to meditate but my mind always wanders, it's the afternoon and I'm too tired. I can't focus, I might fall asleep...

I was going to meditate but I got distracted by house chores. I had to clean the kitchen, take out the garbage, wash the dishes, make a shopping list.

I was going to meditate but the plants haven't been watered in a week.

I was going to meditate but I have to check my email again and update my Facebook status and leave messages on all of my friends' posts first and do all my social media marketing so that everyone knows I'm paying attention.

I was going to meditate but what if I don't stick to it, then I'll let myself down. I want to have perfectly easy practice, every day, without fail, and I'll probably screw that up. It's such a commitment.

I was going to meditate but someone outside is hammering and the neighbor's little dog always yaps.

I was going to meditate but I don't want it to be just another thing on my list. I'm already overwhelmed!

I was going to meditate but I also want to read. Or go for a walk.

I really was going to meditate but I haven't exercised in three days... what's more important? Exercise or meditation? I'm going to make a pros and cons list and look up when my favorite yoga classes are and make a formal plan and put it all into my calendar on alternating days in alternating colors, and I've got to sharpen my colored pencils... and now I've got no time for either today...

I was going to meditate but I might get hungry.

I was going to meditate but I forgot, I ran out of time, I'm too scattered now, I'll start tomorrow.

Wow, I'm hilarious... What a trip! Ok, so what are YOU making excuses about showing up for? I challenge you to set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes and write down every ridiculous thing that comes into your head. Post it below!

Meet My Muse!
I admit, I've been coveting her. I want to introduce you to my personal Mastermind & Accountability Buddy (do you have one yet??) and dear friend. The writing exercise above is inspired by the one and only Jana Carrey, Creativity Coach & Mentor, and her recent post  "I was going to write, but...", an exercise utilizing the power of writing to get us unstuck and aware of the sneaky ways we might be blocking ourselves from doing what we say we want to do. Money! Check out her excuse list and video describing how the process works on her site Creative Spirit Awakening. Check her OUT yo!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

HOW You Eat Tells All

After all that confessing about my go-to stress snack - toast with nut butter - I've been eating it all week! What??

No, HOW! The energy of HOW you're showing up when you're eating something makes a world of a difference, no matter what it is. I'm sure you've mindlessly downed too much food, or just kept going even though you were full, and you know how that feels: a heavy mix of cathartic, pleasure, anxiety, rush, distraction, guilt...

That's why it's not so much about WHAT you're eating, but HOW. (The French have this down. And you can too...)

6 ways to change the energy of HOW you're eating:
  • Say a prayer before you eat. Thank your body, thank the farmers, thank the cook.
  • Put your fork down between bites. Chew. Breathe!
  • Enjoy the quiet, or enjoy the conversation.
  • Taste. (I know!) Savor. Feel the textures.
  • Eat with your fingers.
  • Get as into the flavors as Bob...

Inspired yet? I invite YOU to show up to a meal or snack in complete mindfulness and savor the whole thing, start to finish... Share with us! What felt different?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Stress Snacking? How to Change the Game You're Playing (Video!)

Ever eat because you're stressed? When my to-do list is looming, all nut butters watch out!

I have some big and exciting projects on my plate. But yesterday, I found myself biting my cuticles, and wandering into the kitchen three times throughout the afternoon for PB toast snacks. For me, a tell-tale sign I'm stressing.

The guilty mind spiral (does any of this sound familiar?) is powerful: You should really know better. You're a fatty underneath it all. You don't actually have any willpower, do you? Hypocrite. What's the big deal, anyway? Why are you stressing about a few extra slices of bread and some nut butter? Shouldn't you be worrying about your upcoming projects and deadlines? That's really worth stressing about. Get focused, woman, you've got a lot on your plate! Well, f*ck it, you've ruined your eating today. You might as well just have one more to make yourself feel better... I think one more might actually make you feel better!

I've been down all those roads. An episode or day of stress snacking doesn't mean something is wrong with you, or your willpower has dissolved. It's not a failure on your part. It's simply how you've learned to cope with a busy, stressful situations. Give yourself permission to give yourself a break!

We're not meant to live in a state of unhealthy stress over things like to-do lists! Our overly masculine culture tells us to "buckle down and power through" and that "work is called work for a reason." I spent over 10 years of my life eating because I didn't know how else to feel any better. Stress + extra snacking is a sure recipe for extra stubborn belly fat and adrenal fatigue.

These days I say: Not in my world! I'm a woman doing things my own way!

Here's a peak directly into my *stress snacking course correction strategy*. This is what I do as soon as I recognize myself in any patterns that are not serving me...

Wait a minute... I've got a lot on my plate so I'm taking an HOUR out of my day to go to the Farmers' Market? Well isn't that nice that I've got the time!?

It IS nice, and I've created my lifestyle to accommodate that. The bottom line is that what I do - and what you do - with time is always a choice. Maybe you only can spare 5 minutes. 5 minutes can be a nice chunk of time, ask a diver. This is your life. Please, literally, take your time! It's yours and only yours. The real question is: Will you give it to yourself, fully?

I am committed to living life by my own terms, and working with women who want to do it their own way too. And, I know that if I DON'T take care of myself, unwind and re-center, I will just EAT MORE CRAP today.

That's what I mean by choosing something different. When you know what your patterns are, how are you going to interrupt them with something that puts you back into the state you want to be in?

What 3 things can you keep in your back pocket to do for yourself the next time (or right now) when you're feeling stressed or like you need to switch gears to be your best self? Share with us below!